Membership 會員
Qualification for Membership
Membership shall be open to all persons bearing the surnames (司徒Seto/Sit薛) who have have taken up permanent residence in any Canadian province or Territory which has no
similar Seto/Sit clans organization.
Application for Membership
All persons male or female without a criminal record and complying with the conditions as set out in clause “A” herein shall be qualified to submit their application for a membership.
Membership application form can be obtained from our main office during regular office hours, or download from our web site,
Membership Entitlements
After a full year of membership, members over 19 years old shall be entitled to vote, run for directorship, and submit proposals to the board of directors in the Annual General Meeting.
Any member if convicted of a criminal offence by a court of the land shall cease to be a
member in good standing.
Membership Fees
Membership fees due shall be paid to the Society.
The membership fee shall be reviewed by the board and set by the annual General Meeting. the current permanent membership fee is thirty dollars($30) for all.
Copies of the application form can be picked up from the Society office or download here: membership application form 2016.pdf